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Phoenix Road Safe and Healthy Streets contributions

Some people making comments


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Mostly negative

4 days ago


What is your connection to the Phoenix Road area? (You can choose more than one)

• I work in the area

• I live in the area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Cycle

• Walk

Now that the changes are being put in place how do you feel about the changes we are making to the Phoenix Road area?

Mostly negative

What do you think so far about the traffic restrictions on Phoenix Road?

• It's causing a lot of confusion and unsafe driving practices and issues for local residents

How are you finding access/exit routes to the Somers Town area now that traffic restrictions are in place?

I have issues with access/exit to the area (please tell us what issues you have with access/exit routes to the area in the open text box below)

Please tell us what issues you have with access/exit routes to the area below

It's creating bottlenecks, creating more emissions as people are driving around and around.

In general what do you dislike so far about the changes we have made in the Phoenix Road area? (Select all that apply)

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• It has made life worse for residents who are already worse off.

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4 days ago


What is your connection to the Phoenix Road area? (You can choose more than one)

• I visit businesses (shops etc) in this area

• I visit friends/family in this area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Cycle

• Walk

• Bus

Now that the changes are being put in place how do you feel about the changes we are making to the Phoenix Road area?


What do you think so far about the traffic restrictions on Phoenix Road?

• Encourages me to walk here more

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• It's safer for me to travel here

• I like spending more time here now

• It's ok that journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• Air quality seems better

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• It's safer for children to walk, cycle, scoot

In general what do you like so far about the changes we have made in the Phoenix Road area? (Select all that apply)

• Encourages me to walk here more

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• It's safer for me to travel here

• I like spending more time here now

• Air quality seems better

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• It's safer for children to walk, cycle, scoot

• It's ok that journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• It’s easier or safer for people with mobility issues to travel here

In general what do you dislike so far about the changes we have made in the Phoenix Road area? (Select all that apply)

• Air quality is still bad or worse

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4 days ago


What is your connection to the Phoenix Road area? (You can choose more than one)

• I am not familiar with Phoenix Road

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Car

Now that the changes are being put in place how do you feel about the changes we are making to the Phoenix Road area?


How are you finding access/exit routes to the Somers Town area now that traffic restrictions are in place?

I do not have issues with access/exit to the area

In general what do you like so far about the changes we have made in the Phoenix Road area? (Select all that apply)

• none observed

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14 days ago


What is your connection to the Phoenix Road area? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Bus

• Tube

• Car

• Train (overground)

• Walk

Now that the changes are being put in place how do you feel about the changes we are making to the Phoenix Road area?


What do you think so far about the traffic restrictions on Phoenix Road?

• Traffic levels in Polygon Road increased as a result of Phoenix Road closure and Ossulton street exit to Euston Road blocked.

How are you finding access/exit routes to the Somers Town area now that traffic restrictions are in place?

I do not have issues with access/exit to the area

Please tell us what issues you have with access/exit routes to the area below

Increased traffic levels in Polygon Road

In general what do you like so far about the changes we have made in the Phoenix Road area? (Select all that apply)

• Changes increased traffic in Polygon Road from both local and non local traffic.

In general what do you dislike so far about the changes we have made in the Phoenix Road area? (Select all that apply)

• Traffic levels are still bad or worse

• Air quality is still bad or worse

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16 days ago


What is your connection to the Phoenix Road area? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Bus

• Tube

• Car

• Cycle

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