
Phoenix Road Safe and Healthy Streets


Phoenix Road Safe and Healthy Streets

Consultation results

During March 2023 we consulted on changes proposed for the Phoenix Road area.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views. We had 79 responses and following the consultation, we have made the decision to implement the proposed trial and permanent changes.

The new scheme around Phoenix Road are now being constructed and a postcard has gone to all local residents and businesses. You can read the decision reports relating to this, and our feedback to the consultation responses in the decision report.

Changes being constructed

We will be trialling an 18 month trial of the road closures that would be required to enable space to be provided on Phoenix Road for greening and public realm improvements. 

This will provide an opportunity for the Council and community to test how these road closures change vehicle, pedestrian and cycle access through Somers Town and whether any additional traffic changes would be needed as part of the final design for the Phoenix Road scheme.

You can explore the routing maps below which are also available in a PDF at the end of this page in both English and Mandarin. Other languages and formats are available on request.

Give us your views!

Now all the trial changes here being constructed you can share your views below. These questions are our way of checking in with local communities.

While we will not be responding individually to suggestions, all the information you provide will help us to improve the scheme and be used to help us decide at the end of the trial whether or not to keep the changes.

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Driving maps

Access and exit from the south - contact us if you want someone to talk you through the routes

Access and exit from the north - contact us if you want someone to talk you through the routes

Access and exit from the west - contact us if you want someone to talk you through the routes

Check out the following documents

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Phoenix Road notification postcard June 23.pdf
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Phoenix Road routing - leaflet Jan 2024.pdf
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Phoenix Road routing - leaflet-zh-CN.pdf
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