
Somers Town - Healthy School Streets


Somers Town - Healthy School Streets

Thank you to everyone who commented on the Healthy School Streets in Somers Town. You can now share you views one final time as we make our decision on whether or not to make the trials permanent. Find out more on how to comment or opportunities to meet us on our new commonplace - coming soon:  Have Your Say Today - Somers Town - Healthy School Streets - Safe Travel Camden (commonplace.is) 

Healthy School Streets in Somers Town

Somers Town has received funding from the Mayor of London to become a more sustainable neighbourhood, through the Future Neighbourhoods 2030 Fund. Through the implementation of 10 different projects, Somers Town Future Neighbourhoods 2030 aims to make Somers Town a more climate resilient and healthy place to live. One of these projects is focused on introducing Healthy School Streets, which restrict traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times, outside the 5 Schools within Somers Town.

We are currently trialling Healthy School Street measures outside:

  • St Mary and St Pancras Primary School
  • Blossom House School
  • Regent High School
  • Edith Neville Primary School
  • Maria Fidelis Catholic School

You can read the decision report.

What is changing:

• Making the trial Healthy School Street on Polygon Road for St Mary & St Pancras Primary School into a permanent scheme and changing the hours of this scheme to 8am – 9.30am and 3pm – 4pm.

• Introducing new trial Healthy School Streets for the following schools, which will restrict non-exempt motor vehicles between 8am – 9.30am and 3pm – 4pm, Monday to Friday during term time:

o Blossom House School - Werrington Street, Aldenham Street and Polygon Road

o Edith Neville Primary School – Charrington Street and Purchese Street

o Regent High School – Chalton Street and Cranleigh Street

• Introducing a new trial Healthy School Street scheme for Maria Fidelis Catholic School, restricting Doric Way and Drummond Crescent to non-exempt motor vehicles between 8am – 9am and 2.45pm – 4pm, Monday to Friday during term


• Permanently installing two bike hangars on each of Aldenham Street, Chalton Street, Purchese Street and Drummond Crescent.

• Permanently introducing double yellow lines and converting existing single yellow lines to double yellow lines at a number of junctions in Somers Town. These changes will improve road safety by improving visibility and sight lines at these junctions and have been introduced in line with the Council’s Safer Junctions Programme.

For more information visit our Somers Town commonplace

Our letters to you

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Consultation information
Document image preview
HSS Somers Town Letter Feb 2023.pdf
Document image preview
Maria Fidelis Consultation Drawing.pdf

This engagement phase has finished

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