
Primrose Hill Primary Healthy School Street - Princess Road

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Primrose Hill Primary Healthy School Street - Princess Road

Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation and commented here on the changes we trialled. You can read the monitoring report at the end of this page . We now have all the permanent changes in place. 

You can read the decision report here and the postcard we sent to householders at the bottom of this page.

What was the issue on Princess Road?

Primrose Hill Primary School on Princess Road suffered with parking issues, congestion, road danger and poor air quality outside the school, making it unsafe for the school community.

How have we responded to this challenge?

Princess Road outside Primrose Hill Primary School is now closed to traffic at school drop off and pick up times between 8:15am - 9:30am and 3pm - 4pm, Monday to Friday during term time only.

Exemptions for the scheme are available for residents and businesses on Princess Road, as well as for Blue Badge holders that require access. Other exemptions (including temporary or one off exemptions) may be agreed with the council on a case by case basis. In order to find out more about exemptions for the scheme, including how to apply, please visit www.camden.gov.uk/healthyschoolstreets. All previously agreed exemptions remain valid.

We also:

  • Widened the pavement outside Primrose Hill Primary School.
  • Installed a raised area of road and extending the pavement at the junction of Princess Road and Chalcot Road. 3.Planted two new trees and installed cycle parking outside the school. To make these changes we removed one parking bay on Chalcot Road and one on Princess Road.

What does a Healthy School Street do?

  • makes the street outside school safer at the start and end of the school day
  • discourages car journeys to school
  • improves air quality in the vicinity of the school
  • cuts down on traffic outside the school

Additional materials

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Primrose Hill School Notification Letter
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Permanent Changes
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Netley Primary - WIlliam Rd.pdf