
Leather Lane


Improving the Leather Lane area

Consultation now closed - results will be posted here when available.

We want to help make the streets around Leather Lane safer and healthier especially when the market is open. We’re collecting your views on our ideas to prevent vehicles driving through the market when they are not allowed, making it unsafe and unpleasant for market traders, residents and visitors. We are now consulting on making the following changes: 

  • Changing the market hours and traffic restriction times to 8am - 4:30pm so that they match. This would mean a reduction in market hours by 3.5 hours per day, giving more opportunity for business loading and general access whilst improving safety during the reduced market hours.
  • Closing Leather Lane (at all times) to motor vehicle through-traffic with bollards at the junction with Clerkenwell Road (except for cycles and emergency services). This would reduce the amount of through-traffic at all times, making the street safer, improving air quality and making it more pleasant for residents and visitors to the area. A separate consultation will be undertaken for proposed changes on Clerkenwell Road and the public space to the north of Leather Lane.
  • Installing ‘drop-down’ bollards at the junctions of Leather Lane and St Cross Street and Hatton Wall. Emergency services, market traders and those cycling would be able to access at any times. This would reduce the instances of general motor traffic accessing at times when they are not permitted.
  • Closing Baldwin’s Gardens (at all times) to motor vehicle through-traffic at the junction with Leather Lane (except for cycles and emergency services). All vehicles would still be able to access the street from Grays Inn Road. This would reduce the amount of through-traffic at all times, making the street safer, improving air quality and making the area more pleasant for residents, those travelling to school and those visiting the area. A separate consultation will be undertaken for a proposed timed Healthy School Street on Baldwin’s Gardens to improve road safety for children travelling to and from school (whilst maintaining resident access).
  • Adding double yellow lines and preventing loading at the junctions of Leather Lane and St Cross Street and Hatton Wall to prevent vehicles blocking the road and keeping it clear for emergency access.
  • Making the small northern section of Leather Lane (between Hatton Wall and Clerkenwell Road) two way to all traffic.
  • Allowing cyclists to access Leather Lane from Greville Street.

Check out the following documents

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Leather Lane market plan October 2023.pdf
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Leather Lane Consultation Flyer October 2023 FINAL.pdf