August 2023 - Update
We have now decided to make the trial changes around Haverstock Hill and Rosslyn Hill permanent, as well introducing other additional improvements. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views. We had over 670 responses to our consultation. The decision report includes our feedback to the consultation responses and the full list of permanent changes which include
- Segregated cycle lanes on either side of Haverstock Hill / Rosslyn Hill separated by raised kerbs.
- Junction improvements at Rosslyn Hill / Pond Street and Haverstock Hill / England’s Lane.
- Shared use bus boarders at two bus stops – where cyclists can continue in front of the bus stop.
- 24/7 bus lane on Rosslyn Hill.
- Relocated parking on side streets, including disabled bays.
- Adding new green spaces, benches and cycle parking facilities.
- Changing the raised zebra crossing on Haverstock Hill, outside Royal Free Hospital, to a raised signalized crossing.
- Adding one new bike hangar on Parkhill Road.
- Upgrading Bus Stop W, N and K, outside 139, 140 and 191 Haverstock Hill respectively, from a shared use bus boarder to a bus bypass where cyclists can continue their journey behind the bus stop.
- Adding new disabled bays, loading bays and paid for bays.
We intend to start construction in Spring 2024 and further updates will be posted.
Statutory traffic orders, where required for new parts of the scheme proposed following the initial trial, and how you can respond will be displayed on notices on local streets, in the Camden New Journal and on our website.
June 2023 - Update
Consultation now closed. We are currently reviewing the responses and will add our decision here.
October 2022 - Update
The trial changes are now all in place - read more in our press release.
August 2022 - Update & Seeking Your Feedback
In developing the Haverstock Hill trial walking, cycling and road safety scheme, we have listened to the views of the local community, from the consultation to direct feedback from you and your neighbours. As a result we made several amendments to the trial scheme, including improvements for emergency services, making the cycle lanes more visible and improving the pedestrian crossing points. You can read more on this decision on our website . We have also shared a press release on the decision.
Construction is now substantially complete. You can read the letter we have previously sent to local residents, businesses and stakeholders here .
The changes now substantially implemented include:
- Provision of protected cycle lanes in both directions on Haverstock Hill/ Rosslyn Hill (between the junctions with Prince of Wales Road and Pond Street). Following feedback from the consultation we are making the spacing between wands wider in most places than initially proposed, so that there will be sufficient space along the route for vehicles to pull over, if safe to do so, to allow emergency vehicles to overtake. Blue surfacing across side roads has also been provided drivers with increased awareness of those cycling.
- Adding 4 new zebra crossings and one new signalised pedestrian crossing.
- Introducing new benches along the Haverstock Hill / Rosslyn Hill corridor. This will provide a place for people to stop and rest (to be completed).
- Extending the hours of operation of the bus lane from Monday - Friday 3pm - 7pm (current) to Monday - Sunday 24/7. Following feedback from the consultation we have made a small amendment to the northbound pavement close to the junction of Ornan Road to provide space for a wider 1.5m protected cycle lane whilst ensuring buses and motorists are not delayed unnecessarily. The existing bus lane will remain and a 2m wide pavement will be provided.
- Adding shared use bus boarders (SUBBS) at most northbound bus stops to enable cyclists to remain separated from traffic throughout their journey. Following feedback from the consultation we will not be installing any potential southbound SUBBS at this stage.
- Improving the experience at junctions for those walking and cycling by adding ‘pedestrian countdown’, ‘Cycle Early Release’ and larger Advance Stop Line facilities.
- Removing the majority of parking provision on Haverstock Hill/ Rosslyn Hill and relocating some of this provision to adjacent side roads. Some disabled parking and some loading provision has been retained on Haverstock Hill/ Rosslyn Hill and an extra disabled parking bay has been provided.
- Installing more cycle parking to help people switch their journey to the shops by bike.
- The scheme has been implemented under an 18-month Experimental Traffic Order, which enable the improvements to be implemented on a trial basis. This allows the Council to observe how the proposed changes are operating before carrying out a full public consultation, after around twelve months of the trial period, to help inform whether or not the scheme is made permanent.