
The Camden Transport Strategy Delivery Plan 2025 - 2028


Shape our priorities - Camden Transport Strategy Delivery Plan 2025 - 2028

Fill out the survey at the bottom of this page or scroll down for more ways to get involved.

The Camden Transport Strategy (CTS) is our long-term plan to make our streets safe, accessible, and inclusive for all. 

We achieve this strategy through 3-year delivery plans. These plans set out:

  • Our priorities
  • The types of projects we want to achieve
  • Where in Camden we will focus our efforts  

The projects in our delivery plans can include:

  • Improving walking and cycling infrastructure projects, making it safer and easier to get around
  • Bus priority projects to improve bus journey times.
  • Reducing road casualties plus real and perceived road risk projects so we move closer to our goal of eradicating deaths and serious injuries from our roads
  • Healthy neighbourhoods and healthy streets projects to improve air quality and create safer and healthier neighbourhoods for residents, businesses and visitors.
  • Travel behaviour change projects like encouraging those who can to walk, cycle and use public transport instead of cars.

You can explore our CTS, and CTS annual updates plus previous delivery plans including the ones from 2022/23 - 2024/25. 

For more information about what the CTS Delivery Plan is and how it is developed you can view our information pack. This pack is also available in an accessible version for screen readers. Both versions of the information pack are available at the bottom of this page.


We shape our priorities and projects based on various criteria including road safety data, air quality data and funding opportunities. We also value your input, and carefully consider your feedback, to help develop the delivery plan.

We'd love your feedback to let us know how and where you would like us to focus our delivery efforts in the next three years. You can share your feedback in the following ways;

  • Fill out the survey at the bottom of this page
  • If you have a comment on a specific location you can add it to our map.
  • Email us directly with your feedback at safetravel@camden.gov.uk with subject “CTS Delivery Plan 2025-28 Feedback” 
  • You can also write to us at Freepost LBC TRANSPORT STRATEGY (this is the full address, no post code needed).

If you’d prefer a paper form or information in another format (like  another language), get in touch with us on 020 7974 4444 or email  safetravel@camden.gov.uk

Stay in touch

During July 2024 we held two public information and question and answer sessions. You can see the information shared during these session in the information packs at the bottom of this page.

Very poor progressPoor progressNeutralGood progressVery good progressUnsure
To transform our streets to enable an increase in walking and cycling
To reduce car ownership and use, and motor traffic levels in Camden
To deliver a sustainable transport system and streets that are accessible and inclusive for all
To substantially reduce all road casualties in Camden and progress towards zero Killed and Seriously Injured (KSI) casualties
To reduce and mitigate the impact of transport-based emissions and noise in Camden
To deliver an efficient, well-maintained highways network and kerb-side space that prioritises the sustainable movement of goods and people
To ensure economic growth and regeneration is supported by, and supports, a sustainable transport network

Scroll horizontally to see all options

For issues, comments, or ideas to improve transport or street schemes at specific locations in the Borough, please use the interactive map .

Remember to sign up on our Commonplace homepage to receive updates about the CTS Delivery Plan and our other transport programmes.

Check out the following documents

Document image preview
CTS Delivery Plan 25-28_Information Pack.pdf
Document image preview
Information Pack, Screen-Reader Friendly.pdf
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