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Kingsgate Primary School Healthy School Street contributions

Some people making comments


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3 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street?

• I live in the area

• I travel through the area, but don't stop

How do you generally travel in this area?

• Cycle

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you like so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• I like spending more time here now

• It's safer for me to travel here

If you have any other general comments about the scheme, please use the space below.

The school street in this area makes my cycling commute to work much safer. I no longer need to worry so much about cars, in particular cars dropping off children, which often open doors unexpectedly and otherwise behave erratically.

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3 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street?

• I don't work in the area, but work in Camden

• I own/manage a business in this area

How do you generally travel in this area?

• Walk

• Car

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you dislike so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Traffic levels are still bad or worse

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

If you have any other general comments about the scheme, please use the space below.

while i agree that school areas need to be semi traffic free, the times of 7.45 to 9.45 and 3.15 to 4.45 are far long, 45 mins would be more adequate

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3 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street?

• I am unaware of the location of these schools

How do you generally travel in this area?

• Car

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


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5 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street?

• I don't live in the area, but live in Camden

If you are a parent/carer of a child attending this School, has the Healthy School Street encouraged you to change the way you are picking-up/dropping off at the school?

No change

How do you generally travel in this area?

• Walk

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you like so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Air quality seems better

What do you dislike so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Unsafe for children to walk, cycle, scoot

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8 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street?

• I live in the area

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