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Belsize Lane Healthy School Street contributions

Some people making comments


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about 1 month ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

How do you generally travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Car

• Bus

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you like so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Waste of time and public money.

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Mostly negative

about 1 month ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

How do you generally travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?

Mostly negative

What do you dislike so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• Air quality is still bad or worse

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about 2 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I travel through the area, but don't stop

How do you generally travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Car

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


If you have any other general comments about the scheme, please use the space below.

It does not affect me

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3 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

If you are a parent/carer of a child attending this School, has the Healthy School Street encouraged you to change the way you are picking-up/dropping off at the school?

• No change

How do you generally travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you like so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Encourages me to walk here more

What do you dislike so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Unsafe for children to walk, cycle, scoot

• I have highlighted this because I think in general it is unsafe for children on Camdens Streets..knife attacks..muggings..racial aggravation..Street gangs.

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4 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you dislike so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Traffic levels are still bad or worse

• Cycling here is still unsafe or less safe

If you have any other general comments about the scheme, please use the space below.

All this scheme has done is push people to clog up the roads in front of people's houses further down the street.

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