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Somers Town Controlled Parking Zone (CA-G) contributions

Some people making comments


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10 months ago


How are you connected to the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

If you live in the CA-G controlled parking zone, do you live in the area where Saturday controls are being trialled?

No, I live in CA-G but no Saturday change

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Cycle

• Bus

• Walk

Do you own a car?


How do you feel about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone?


What do you like so far about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• No change

What do you not like so far about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• No change

If you have any other general comments about the scheme please use the space below.

It’s really difficult to find out exactly where I can park with a CAg permit. Just because it’s within the zone, doesn’t mean that there are parking bays there. How do I find out where the bays are?

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Mostly negative

11 months ago


How are you connected to the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

If you live in the CA-G controlled parking zone, do you live in the area where Saturday controls are being trialled?

Yes in the area with new Saturday controls

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

Do you own a car?


How do you feel about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone?

Mostly negative

What do you like so far about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• There are less cars parking on Saturdays

What do you not like so far about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• My visitors struggle to find a place to park

• relatives cant come over due to parking restrictions.

If you have any other general comments about the scheme please use the space below.

i would highly advice this trial to cancel as soon as possible as the whole of summer was a small yet very inconvenience for the family members that chose to come over to my house.

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over 1 year ago


How are you connected to the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• I don't live in the area, but live in Camden

• I visit businesses (shops etc) in this area

• I visit friends/family in this area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Cycle

• Walk

Do you own a car?


How do you feel about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone?


What do you like so far about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• I like spending more time here now

• Encourages me to walk here more

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• There are less cars parking on Saturdays

• Air quality seems better

If you have any other general comments about the scheme please use the space below.

This should be extended to all day on Saturday and Sunday, to reduce the incentive to drive into this area from outside - it is excellently served by public transport. Camden should take steps to reduce the number of parking bays as well: replace them with wider pavements, pocket parks, or cycle hangers.

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over 1 year ago


How are you connected to the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• I own/manage a business in this area

• I live in the area

If you live in the CA-G controlled parking zone, do you live in the area where Saturday controls are being trialled?

No, I live in CA-G but no Saturday change

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Car

• Cycle

Do you own a car?


How do you feel about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone?


What do you like so far about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• Traffic levels seem reduced

What do you not like so far about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• Parking on Saturday is still bad or worse

• I can’t park near where I want to

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about 2 years ago


How are you connected to the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

If you live in the CA-G controlled parking zone, do you live in the area where Saturday controls are being trialled?

Yes in the area with new Saturday controls

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Car

• Bus

• Tube

• Walk

Do you own a car?


How do you feel about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone?


What do you not like so far about the changes in CA-G Controlled Parking Zone? (You can choose more than one)

• Parking on Saturday is still bad or worse

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• My visitors struggle to find a place to park

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