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Redhill and Cumberland Market Safe and Healthy Streets contributions

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon


9 months ago


What is your connection to this area?

• I live in the area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

• Bus

• Tube

• Car

Now that the changes have been in place for a little while how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you dislike so far about the changes we have made here? (Select all that apply)

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• Harder/less safe for people + mobility issues

• Changing parking/loading had a bad impact

• Vehicle access to the area is harder

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.

Mostly negative

9 months ago


What is your connection to this area?

• I live in the area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

Now that the changes have been in place for a little while how do you feel about the changes we have made?

Mostly negative

What do you like so far about the changes we have made here? (Select all that apply)

• I feel less impact of HS2 traffic

What do you dislike so far about the changes we have made here? (Select all that apply)

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• Changing parking/loading had a bad impact

• Vehicle access to the area is harder

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.

Mostly negative

9 months ago


What is your connection to this area?

• I live in the area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

Now that the changes have been in place for a little while how do you feel about the changes we have made?

Mostly negative

What do you like so far about the changes we have made here? (Select all that apply)

• No positive change

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.

10 months ago


What is your connection to this area?

• I live in the area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

Now that the changes have been in place for a little while how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you dislike so far about the changes we have made here? (Select all that apply)

• Harder/less safe for people + mobility issues

• Changing parking/loading had a bad impact

• Vehicle access to the area is harder

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.

10 months ago


What is your connection to this area?

• I live in the area

• I am a parent/carer of a child at school here

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.