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Holmes Road contributions

Some people making comments


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12 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I don't live in the area, but live in Camden

If you are a parent/carer of a child attending this School, has the Healthy School Street encouraged you to change the way you are picking-up/dropping off at the school?

• I cycle more

• I walk more

• I use public transport more

How do you generally travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

• Cycle

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you like so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Encourages me to walk here more

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• I like spending more time here now

• Journey times by motor vehicles are shorter

• It's safer for children to walk. cycle. scoot

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• Air quality seems better

• It's safer for me to travel here

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12 months ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I don't live in the area, but live in Camden

If you are a parent/carer of a child attending this School, has the Healthy School Street encouraged you to change the way you are picking-up/dropping off at the school?

• I cycle more

• I walk more

• I use public transport more

How do you generally travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

• Cycle

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you like so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Encourages me to walk here more

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• I like spending more time here now

• Journey times by motor vehicles are shorter

• It's safer for children to walk. cycle. scoot

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• Air quality seems better

• It's safer for me to travel here

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about 1 year ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I don't live in the area, but live in Camden

• I visit businesses (shops, etc) in this area

• I visit friends/family in this area

How do you generally travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Train (overground)

• Bus

• Tube

• Cycle

• Walk

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you like so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Encourages me to walk here more

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• I like spending more time here now

• It's safer for children to walk. cycle. scoot

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• It's safer for me to travel here

• Air quality seems better

• Other

• Less noise pollution

If you have any other general comments about the scheme, please use the space below.

I would like to see more of Camen's roads made safer and more pleasant for people instead of cars.

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Mostly positive

about 1 year ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

How do you generally travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?

Mostly positive

What do you like so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• Traffic levels seem reduced

If you have any other general comments about the scheme, please use the space below.

More natural greenery needs to be added to there area & much more done to prevent littering around the existing plants next to St Patrick’s school (much of which is McDonald’s litter - perhaps they could provide recycling bins & incentivise their customers to use them!!). Also disappointed to see St Patrick’s school chose to use fake plastic ‘grass like’ material to cover the fence where they extended their playground where the house used to be. Plastic debris from this ‘grass’ will end up down drains & in rivers & seas creating micro plastics. Primary school children should be taught about how bad this is for the environment & the school should be setting a good example. Similarly the new houses in the converted Welfare building on the corner of Raglan Street are also using plastic ‘hedges’ on their railings. None of these things are good for either pollution or climate change.

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about 1 year ago


What is your connection to this Healthy School Street? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

If you are a parent/carer of a child attending this School, has the Healthy School Street encouraged you to change the way you are picking-up/dropping off at the school?

• I walk more

• I cycle more

• I use public transport more

How do you generally travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Train (overground)

• Bus

• Cycle

• Scoot

• Tube

• Walk

Now that this Healthy School Street is in place how do you feel about the changes we have made?


What do you like so far about this Healthy School Street? (Select all that apply)

• It's safer for children to walk. cycle. scoot

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• Air quality seems better

If you have any other general comments about the scheme, please use the space below.

I agree, an LTN is the best outcome to protect people in this area – residents and passersby alike – and also to lessen congestion on the highstreet. It seems to be a no-brainer to bloc off Holmes Road at the junction with Kentish Town Rd. Like the neighbouring streets, Holmes Rd is just an ordinary residential street, narrow and not made for the amount of traffic it has increasingly endured. The Healthy Street scheme is a timely reminder of this – and heaven for me: I live on Holmes Rd, and I go to school from here every day. During the unrestricted hours, Holmes Rd is still very much hell. The healthy street scheme needs to extended to the french school – there, too, the situation is dangerous during drop off and pick up times. The Veolia and Council vans that enter Holmes Road from the Veolia Depot plus parents that madly rush to the school are a toxic mix with an accident waiting to happen. I have myself experienced how dangerous it is to cycle along that stretch of Holmes or Willies Road when competing with school parents for a bit of the road. In addition, to protect us school children and residents alike from excessive air pollution due to idling (UPS and Camden) vans and cars and cruising drug dealers, double yellow lines should be introduced, plus a few more parking spots for local residents and businesses. Add ample green, and this road could become a major route for foot traffic, for scooter and bike riders. Easy peasy!

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