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Haverstock Hill & Rosslyn Hill Trial Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Scheme contributions

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon


Mostly positive

over 1 year ago


How are you connected to the cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• I live in the area

How do you feel about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill?

Mostly positive

What do you like so far about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• Encourages me to walk here more

• It's safer for me to travel here

• I like spending more time here now

• Air quality seems better

• It's safer for children to walk, cycle, scoot

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.


over 1 year ago


How are you connected to the cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• I live in the area

How do you feel about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill?


What do you like so far about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• Encourages me to walk here more

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• It's safer for me to travel here

• I like spending more time here now

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• It's safer for children to walk, cycle, scoot

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.

over 1 year ago


How are you connected to the cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• I live in the area

• I visit friends/family in this area

• I'm a parent/carer of a child at school here

How do you feel about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill?


What do you dislike so far about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• I spend less time here now

• Journey times by motor vehicle are longer

• Traffic levels are still bad or worse

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.

over 1 year ago


How are you connected to the cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• I live in the area

How do you feel about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill?


What do you like so far about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• Nothing because its dangerous

What do you dislike so far about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• Cycling here is still unsafe or less safe

If you have any other general comments about the scheme please use the space below.

I had a collision with a cyclist today, stepping off the C 11 bus at the Belsize Park stop. Luckily not hurt, but it is VERY DANGEROUS. Watched near misses in the past. Cyclist was a decent guy, was also shocked and agreed this design isn't safe either for pedestrians or cyclists. It should be removed - urgently

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.


over 1 year ago


How are you connected to the cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• I live in the area

How do you feel about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill?


What do you like so far about the new cycle facility on Haverstock Hill? (Select all that apply)

• It's safer for me to travel here

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• It's safer for children to walk, cycle, scoot

• Traffic levels seem reduced

If you have any other general comments about the scheme please use the space below.

Please make it permanent and add more cycle parking

Add your like! More reaction types are coming soon.