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Arlington Road area Low Traffic Neighbourhood contributions

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Mostly negative

almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to the Arlington Road area Low Traffic Neighbourhood? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

• I work in the area

Now that the changes have been in place for a little while how do you feel about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area?

Mostly negative

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

Have you changed how you travel because of the Covid-19 pandemic? (You can choose more than one)

• No change

What do you like so far about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area? (Select all that apply)

• It's safer for children to walk, cycle, scoot

What do you dislike so far about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area? (Select all that apply)

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• Unsafe for children to walk, cycle, scoot

If you have any other ideas for improvements to make travel safer and healthier in this area please use the Safe Travel Camden Map (link above) to make suggestions. If you have any other general comments about the scheme please use the space below.

Moterbikes now mount the pavement to aviod the restriction. Whilst the new layout positivly affects those living in the surrounding streets, more car are now pushed on to the main roads where traffice has increased hugely, I live on a main road and the traffic has easily double causing more pollution and unsafe crossings.

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almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to the Arlington Road area Low Traffic Neighbourhood? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Walk

Have you changed how you travel because of the Covid-19 pandemic? (You can choose more than one)

• I walk more

• I use public transport less

Now that the changes have been in place for a little while how do you feel about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area?


What do you like so far about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area? (Select all that apply)

• It's safer for me to travel here

• I like spending more time here now

• Air pollution seems better

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• It's safer for children to walk, cycle, scoot

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almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to the Arlington Road area Low Traffic Neighbourhood? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Car

• Taxi

Have you changed how you travel because of the Covid-19 pandemic? (You can choose more than one)

• No change

Now that the changes have been in place for a little while how do you feel about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area?


What do you like so far about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area? (Select all that apply)

• This is a too much and local people are being put out this area was never busy this whole area is a Complete joke and your consultations are all farcical. Just put spin on everything You’re a dictatorship

What do you dislike so far about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area? (Select all that apply)

• It's less safe for me to travel here

• I spend less time here now

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

• Air pollution is still bad or worse

• Traffic levels are still bad or worse

• Unsafe for children to walk, cycle, scoot

• Changes have negatively impacted my business

• Cycling here is still unsafe or less safe

• Walking here is still unsafe or less safe

If you have any other ideas for improvements to make travel safer and healthier in this area please use the Safe Travel Camden Map (link above) to make suggestions. If you have any other general comments about the scheme please use the space below.

Give us our roads back

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almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to the Arlington Road area Low Traffic Neighbourhood? (You can choose more than one)

• I live in the area

• I travel through the area, but don't stop

• I visit friends/family in this area

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Car

Have you changed how you travel because of the Covid-19 pandemic? (You can choose more than one)

• I use the car more

Now that the changes have been in place for a little while how do you feel about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area?


What do you like so far about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area? (Select all that apply)

• Journey times by motor vehicles are longer

What do you dislike so far about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area? (Select all that apply)

• Walking here is still unsafe or less safe

• Cycling here is still unsafe or less safe

• Air pollution is still bad or worse

• Unsafe for children to walk, cycle, scoot

• Changes have negatively impacted my business

If you have any other ideas for improvements to make travel safer and healthier in this area please use the Safe Travel Camden Map (link above) to make suggestions. If you have any other general comments about the scheme please use the space below.

CHANGE THE ROADS TO WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS!!!!! There are so many roads blocked to all road users! I live in Camden and need to use these roads. Why should my journey time home be made longer due to commercial vehicles using these roads??? It is disproportionately effecting people who live in Camden and drive! Change to WEIGHT RESTRICTION and allow normal cars to go through these roads. These changes clearly only help the people living in the richer houses that these restrictions have been put on!

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almost 3 years ago


What is your connection to the Arlington Road area Low Traffic Neighbourhood? (You can choose more than one)

• I don't live in the area, but live in Camden

How do you most commonly travel in this area? (You can choose more than one)

• Bus

• Tube

• Cycle

• Walk

Have you changed how you travel because of the Covid-19 pandemic? (You can choose more than one)

• No change

Now that the changes have been in place for a little while how do you feel about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area?


What do you like so far about the changes we have made in the Arlington Road area? (Select all that apply)

• Encourages me to walk here more

• Encourages me to cycle here more

• It's safer for me to travel here

• Air pollution seems better

• Traffic levels seem reduced

• It's safer for children to walk, cycle, scoot

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